emperorvolkorian I assume you play with one of the official pre-doom submods, right?
If this is so, I think the reason of the crash is what
epicureandreamer pointed out (thanks!).
The Valyrian religion holy sites are overridden in these sub-mods as you can see in the submod common\landed_titles\pre_doom_titles.txt, specifically:
And, when you use the Shatter Realms option of CK2 (not the AGOT rule), then the holy sites are re-generated from the mod files and your shattered realms options.
For instance, if I start a Ghiscari Wars start without Shattered Realms, my save file contains the following section for the Valyrian Religion:
c_oldvolantis c_oldghis b_valyria3 b_oros3 b_dragonstone_sept
Whereas, if I start with Ghiscari Wars and use CK2 Shatter Realms command, here is what I get:
c_oldvolantis c_mantarys b_velos_temple c_oldghis b_valyria3 b_oros3 b_dragonstone_sept
Notice how there are 7 holy sites in the second example while only 5 in the first instance.
In the case where I set all feudal and a single barony per holding, it gets even weirder as I get no holy_sites subsection at all in the section for the valyrian religion.
In any case, it is important that this holy_sites subsection is present and correct for both the valyrian_rel and the valyrian_rel_reformed in your save file so that the game knows that there are 5 and only 5 holy sites, and, what they are for these religions.
If too many are specified, you get an obvious crash.
If none are specified, I assume it will go look in the mod file, find 7 of them, and it will crash too.
Because the game knows how to automatically assign holy sites to temple in holdings, you should be able to use this holy_sites subsection which names counties for pre-doom saves and it will automatically assign the holy site to the first temple of the county if there's one (or keep it at the county level saying "there's no temple there" when you load the file).
c_oldvolantis c_oldghis c_valyria c_oros c_dragonstone
Or you can put specific temple baronies there if you want to get fancy... Up to you, really :-)
To anyone who may stumble upon this thread, there are other religions which have new holy sites in the sub-mod and are thus affected by this behavior.
Here is the complete list:
- Valyrian (valyrian_rel) & Valyrian Reformed (valyrian_rel_reformed)
- Many Faced Gods (many_faced_god)
- Boash (boash) & Boash Reformed (boash_reformed)
- Weeping Lady (weeping_lady) & Weeping Lady Reformed (weeping_lady_reformed)
- Dragon religion (dragon_rel)
- Starry Wisdom (starry_wisdom)
- Shadowbinders (shadowbinders) & Shadowbinders Reformed (shadowbinders_reformed)
- Pagan (pagan)
- Aztec (aztec) & Aztec Reformed (aztec_reformed)
- Ruin Religion (ruin_rel)