Post by aebrad on Feb 25, 2019 12:53:55 GMT
Given how the books place a lot of emphasis on the interactions between smallfolk and nobles - you've got kings like Jahaerys and Aegon V who are beloved of the smallfolk despite angering the nobles, you've got people like Cersei, the Celtigars, Tywin or Rhaenyra who are disdainful of the smallfolk and are resented as a result. Seeing as the game actually already distinguishes between nobility and smallfolk with characters who have a dynasty and those who don't, and there are already mechanics where you can anger the smallfolk - "peasants are angry", regional instability etc, is there some way to make the angering the smallfolk also apply to the smallfolk in your court, ie if you are facing constant peasant rebellions and you keep making choices that antagonise the smallfolk is there a way to make characters without a dynasty also have a negative opinion modifier against you or is that too tricky?
Post by Karl on Feb 25, 2019 16:34:13 GMT
I am not sure of the possibilities as I am a very novice modder at best, but I like the notion of this! These modifiers could apply a small opinion malus to non-dynasty courtiers, with a bigger one for courtiers with the trait peasant_leader.