Post by tony5ify on Jun 14, 2018 18:14:48 GMT
I follow all the steps that i found to add a custom house but isnt working. I create the coa and i name it lowen.tga, i put it in flags folder and in dynasties_westerlands.tga In dinasties/Westerman.txt i wrote this: 802046 = { name="Lowen" culture = westerman coat_of_arms = { template = 0 layer = { texture = 13 texture_internal = 54 emblem = 0 color = 0 color = 0 color = 0 } } used_for_random = no can_appear = no }
then i go to ###Westerlands### in dynamic_coa_effects.txt and i wrote:
if = { limit = { holder_scope = { dynasty = 802046 } } set_coa = c_lowen #Lowen
In dynamic_coa_titles.txt:
c_lowen = { color={ 180 180 180 } color2={ 255 255 255 }
allow = { always = no } }
and i wrote dynasty = 802046 in dynamic_coa_events.txt
I added my house to the extint houses
So im missing something? why this dont work?